- 08 Nov 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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Issued Files Settings
- Updated on 08 Nov 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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1.1. File Set Types
Issued Files are logically categorised into file set types. For instance, you can have a file set type for each Client that you work with, or for each department in your company. You can create file set types that apply to all jobs (global) from the 12d Synergy Administration application and job-specific file set types from the 12d Synergy Client application.
1.1.1. How to Create a File Set Type Global File Set Types
- In the 12d Synergy Administration application, select the Issued Files tab > File Set Types tab.
- Create a file set type. Job-specific File Set Types
- In the 12d Synergy Client application, select the required job from the tree structure.
- Right-click the required job and select the Edit option.
The Edit a Job: <Job name> window is displayed. - Select the Issued Files tab > Issue File Types tab.
- Create a file set type. Create a File Set Type
- Click the
The Create/Edit a file set type prompt is displayed. - Enter a name for the file set type in the Name box.
- You can enter a brief description of the file set type in the Description box.
- Click the Save button.
The file set type is created and is displayed in the File Set Types tab. - Click the Save button.
The file set type is created and is saved.
1.2. File Sets
A file set is a package of files created under a file set type. The files in the file set can be updated / modified to create the next version of the file set. You can then choose to issue any version of the file set based on your requirement. You can create a file set from the 12d Synergy Client application. For more details about creating a file set, click here.
1.3. Issue Attributes
Issue attributes allow you to capture information about the issued files. You can define any number of attributes and the values for these attributes will be filled out when the file set is being issued.
1.3.1. How to Define Issue Attributes
- In the 12d Synergy Administration application, select the Issued Files tab > Issue Attributes tab.
- Click the
The Find an Attribute prompt is displayed. - Do one of the following:
- Select the required attribute from the list of attributes displayed.
- Enter the name or search string of the required attribute in the Filter box and then select the required attribute from the list of attributes displayed.
- Click the Select button.
The selected attribute is displayed in the Issue Attributes tab. - Click the Save button.
The issuing related updates will be saved.
1.4. File Attributes Prompting
There might be instances when you need to use some file or file change attributes when adding or modifying a file set. The user will be prompted to enter the values for these file change attributes while issuing the file set.
You can select these file attributes from the list of attributes displayed in the 12d Synergy Administration application > Issued Files tab > File Attribute Prompting tab.
1.5. Issued File Settings
You can customise the issued file and transmittal settings such as the issued file name, transmittal name, and other similar settings. The names of the files or transmittals and the subject of the emails can have both constants and variables. The constants are just mentioned without any braces ({ } brackets), while the variables are mentioned in braces ({ } brackets). Some of the variables that can be used for these settings are listed below.
For example,
Issued [File.Name] – [File.Version] will issue a file with the word Issued followed by the name of the original file and then its version number.
So for a file with the name Plot, Issued Plot-1.pdf will be the name of the issued file.
The word Issued in the file name is a constant, while the rest of it is the value of the variable used.
Variable | Description |
[Timestamp] | The time of the issue |
[File.Name] | The name of the file being issued |
[File.Version] | The version of the file being issued |
[File.AttributeName] | Any file attribute or file change attribute |
[FileSet.Name] | The name of the file set being issued |
[FileSet.Created] | The time this issue set was created |
[FileSet.CreatedBy.FirstName] | The first name of the creator of the file set |
[FileSet.CreatedBy.LastName] | The last name of the creator of the file set |
[FileSet.CreatedBy.Name] | The full name of the creator of the file set |
[FileSet.CreatedBy.Initials] | The initials of the creator of the file set |
[Job.Name] | The name of the job to which this file set belongs |
[Job.AttributeName] | Any attribute on the job |
1.5.1. How to Configure the Issued File Settings
- In the 12d Synergy Administration application, select the Issued Files tab > Settings tab.
- In the Templates for issued / exported files section, do the following:
- Enter the required format for the name of the files to be issued in the File name template box.
- Select one of the listed options for the File name template options list. These options are related to the action to be taken on encountering missing issued attributes.
- Enter the name for the transmittal in the Transmittal name template box.
- Enter the name for the file set package to be issued in the Set name package template box.
- Enter the subject for the email sent via outlook informing the recipient of the issued file package in the Subject for issue by Outlook box.If you select the via Email (Server) option for issuing in the 12d Synergy Client application, you will be prompted to enter the subject while issuing the package in the Email files window.
- Select the Set “include transmittal cover sheet” on by default checkbox to include the transmittal cover sheet in the email informing about the issued file package.
- Select the Exclude empty columns from the files list in transmittals checkbox to display only those columns which have values in the transmittal.
- Click the Save button.
The settings are saved.
1.6. Transmittals
A transmittal is the summary of an issued file set and is displayed once the file set has been issued. The template of a transmittal is customisable.
1.6.1. How to Design a Transmittal Template
- In the 12d Synergy Administration application, select the Issued Files tab > Transmittal Template tab.
The existing template for transmittals is displayed. - Click the Edit button.
The Transmittal Cover Sheet Editor is displayed.
The existing template is displayed on the left while the list of variables that you can add to the template is displayed in the Variables section on the right. - Place the cursor in the transmittal template where you want to add a variable and double-click the variable from the Variables section.
The variable is added to the template at the selected point.When you are adding a list variable such as FilesList or ContactsList to the template, a new prompt to either use the existing list options or to update the list options is displayed. If you choose the latter, the Variable Table Editor window is displayed. You can select the list options that suit your requirement in this window and click the Set button to define the new list variable. - Click the Set button in the Transmittal Cover Sheet Editor window.
- Click the Save button.
The issuing related updates will be saved.
1.7. System Settings Related to Issuing
Settings | Description |
Show issued files registry | If set to Yes, it enables the issued files registry. You will need to restart the 12d Synergy Administrator for the Issued Files Registry option to be visible. |
Use issued file set versioning | If set to Yes, it enables or changes the issue versioning mode. By default, it is set to No. |
Show issued files registry at top level jobs only | If set to Yes, it enables the issued files registry only for the top-level jobs. You will need to restart the 12d Synergy Administrator for the Issued Files Registry option to be visible. By default, it is set to No. |
Allow sending Issues from Different Email Address | If set to Yes, you can send the issued file emails from your own email address instead of using the address of the server. However, ensure with your administrator if the server settings are in line with this setting. |
Allow users to send issued files via the email server without zipping | If set to Yes, the issued files are not zipped when issuing via email. By default, it is set to No, meaning the issue files are zipped. Sending large files may fail and the email servers will not display any message about the failure. |
Request a read receipt from a recipient when issuing via the email server | If set to Yes, a read receipt is requested from the recipient, provided the client honours this setting. By default, it is set to Yes. |