WorkFlowMax Connector
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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WorkFlowMax Connector

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Article summary

API Changes

On the 30th of November, 2020, WorkflowMax will be closing its old API and moving it under the Xero umbrella.

At that point in time, this connector will no longer function.

If you are a new customer, please follow these instructions: WorkflowMax V3 Connector

If you are an existing customer, please follow these instructions: Migrating to WorkflowMax V3

Please be aware that WorkflowMax has been shutting down its existing API keys ahead of schedule. If you find your connector is not working, please contact WorkflowMax / XERO support to ask it to be re-enabled, and then migrate as soon as possible.


  1. Download the connector .dll file to your computer - Download Connectors? Click here
  2. Run 12d Synergy Administrator
  3. Connect to your server
  4. In the left pane, click Connectors
  5. In the Connectors pan, click Load New Connectors (found at the bottom of the screen
  6. Click the Upload Assembly button
  7. Browse to and upload the previously downloaded connector .dll file
  8. In the confirmation popup, click OK
  9. Click the Close button

WorkFlowMax Configuration

Ensure you have applied for access to the WokFlowMax API's by contacting the WorkFlowMax support team. They will provide an API Key and Account Key for use below.

The WorkFlowMax connector has the following configuration options: 

  • Base API URL: The URL of the WorkFlowMax API's. You should not need to change this.
  • API Key: A string of letters and numbers provided by WorkFlowMax when you applied for API access.
  • Account Key: Another string of letters and numbers provided by WorkFlowMax when you applied for API access.
  • Only import modified contact?: Should the connector be restricted to pulling down the jobs that are marked as modified in WorkFlowMax?
  • Only import current jobs?: Should the connector be restricted to pulling down the jobs that are marked in WorkFlowMax as current?
  • New Custom Lists: The configuration field 'New Custom Lists' can be used to import a custom list based on the populated values of a designated xpath of any fields in WorkFlowMax (as opposed to directly importing a custom field dropdown list type).
    You will need to enter the new custom list name, the service name and the xpath of the list items in the format "[Custom List Names]=[Service Name].[xPath]".
    For example, a list of WorkFlowMax task names would be entered as "My New Synergy Task List=Jobs.Job/Tasks/Task/Name". Multiple  list entries can be separated with commas. Leave blank to import no custom lists.
  • WorkFlowMax Custom Fields: The configuration field 'WorkFlowMax Custom Fields' can be used to import fields manually created in WorkFlowMax. Setting this to 'All' will automatically import all custom fields where the type is supported in Synergy. Otherwise, the user can list the names of the fields separated by commas. Eg. 'Custom Field 1, Custom Field 2'. Leave blank to import no custom fields.

Before running a connector for the first time you must:

  • Create a backup of your 12d Synergy database
  • Test your mappings via the 'Run Test' button

Read your version's 12d Synergy Administration manual for detailed instructions on how to setup connectors here.

WorkFlowMax Connector Video

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