12d Model Settings
  • 14 Nov 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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12d Model Settings

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Article summary

The 12d Model settings that can be configured by your 12d Synergy Administrator are listed below. 


Default customisation

There are three modes of customisation

  1. Dynamic – This is the default mode.
  2. Use Current Local Customisation 
  3. Download Customisation at 12d Model Startup

Reference check files in 12d Model projects

This check box is selected by default. If selected, 12d Synergy performs a reference check for all standard standalone files within the 12d Model project. It is preferred to deselect or unselect this check box as it slows down your check-in process. 

Check for unbound shares when opening 12d Model projects

If selected, 12d Synergy checks and prompts whether to fix non-12d Synergy shares that are incorrectly referenced to a local workspace instead of a location within 12d Synergy.    

Track multiple devices for 12d Model Sharing

If selected, 12d Synergy checks which device has your 12d Model project checked out, when you use multiple devices to access your 12d Model project

Use share caching

This check box is selected by default. It makes the process of caching faster for optimisation.  

Prefer downloading all shares when opening projects

If selected, when opening a 12d Model project, all its shares are downloaded onto your device ahead of time rather than when 12d Model requests the data.   

Exclude job attributes when checking in managed folders or 12d Model projects

If selected, all rules related to file and file change attributes are ignored. This makes it easy to work with 12d Model projects or managed folders that have a huge number of files.   

Default location to offline data

Enter the location on your device where you want to save the data of the offlined 12d Model project you are working on. 

Default offline/export behaviour for 12d Model projects

You can select one of the following three options.

  • Prompt – To prompt whether to take the 12d Model projects offline or export them  
  • Offline – To offline the 12d Model projects by default 
  • Export – To export 12d Model projects by default

Offline other 12d Model projects by default

You can select one of the following three options.

  • Prompt – To prompt whether to take 12d Model projects other than the working one offline or not   
  • No – To choose not to offline data of 12d Model projects other than the working one 
  • Yes - Choose – To choose which 12d Model projects to offline other than the working one 
  • Yes - Share only – To choose to offline only the shares in the 12d Model projects other than those in the working one

Pack and go

You can select one of the following three options.

  • Prompt – To prompt if you want to bundle up 12d Model data such as symbols and line styles 
  • Yes – To bundle up 12d Model data such as symbols and online styles
  • No – To choose not to bundle up 12d Model data such as symbols and online styles

Open 12d Model file location after offline

You can select one of the following three options.

  • Prompt – To prompt if you want to open the 12d Model project after it is taken offline  
  • Yes – To directly open the 12d Model project after it is taken offline
  • No – To choose not to open the 12d Model project after it is taken offline

Always delete offline data

You can select one of the following three options.

  • Prompt – To prompt if you want to delete the 12d Model project data that is offline  
  • Yes – To directly delete the 12d Model project data that is offline
  • No – To choose not to delete the 12d Model project data that it is offline

V11 config file location

Enter the location of the configuration file that is used for working with 12d Model Version 11. This can be a location in 12d Synergy, your local drive or a network drive.   

V12 config file location

Enter the location of the configuration file that is used for working with 12d Model Version 12. This can be a location in 12d Synergy, your local drive or a network drive.   

V14 config file location

Enter the location of the configuration file that is used for working with 12d Model Version 14. This can be a location in 12d Synergy, your local drive or a network drive.   

V15 config file location

Enter the location of the configuration file that is used for working with 12d Model Version 15. This can be a location in 12d Synergy, your local drive or a network drive.   

Allow users to change config when set globally

If selected, your users can change the location of the configuration file even though it is already mentioned in the config file location boxes above this checkbox.   

Maximum path before warning user (set 0 to disable warning)
Enter the maximum length of the path to a 12d Model folder in the 12d Synergy Client application that can be accessed. 
  • If this number is exceeded, then the system will display a message, warning you about the long length of the path. Having a long path may cause some unexpected consequences such as failure of the some data I/O tools or sharing problems. You can continue to access the 12d Model folder despite the long path. 
  • If you enter a 0 for this setting, no warning is displayed irrespective of the length of the path.  
Allow Upgrades to V15
If this check box is selected, you will be able to upgrade 12d Model V14 projects to V15 from the 12d Synergy Client application. 

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