Ignore List
  • 06 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Ignore List

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Article summary

When you check in a 12d Model project, all files in the folder also get checked in as it is all 12d Model folders are managed folders. Temporary files such as log files which get created while working on the 12d Model project files become a part of the 12d Model folders. These files are not necessary for future operations on the data of these folders, and hence can be ignored while checking the project in to 12d Synergy. You can mention a list of such unwanted files and directories in the Ignore List tab. 

  • In the Ignored Extensions section, enter the file extensions that can be ignored while checking in the 12d Model project to 12d Synergy. 
  • In the Ignored Directories section, enter the directories that can be ignored while checking in the 12d Model project to 12d Synergy. 

Click the Save button to save the changes made in this tab.

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