System Settings
  • 22 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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System Settings

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Article summary

Following is a list of all the 12d Synergy Server settings that can be configured via the System settings section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.



Host address

The name of the server, used in links and emails

Default mail address

The email address outgoing emails will be sent from

Mail server

The address of the server used to send emails


Used if your SMTP server uses a non-standard SMTP port


Used if your SMTP server requires authentication to send emails

SMTP Password

Used if your SMTP server requires authentication to send emails

Secure SMTP

Used if your SMTP Server uses secure SMTP

Default value: no

Email send mode

Whether or not to send separate emails individually, or one email as a group

Default value: individual

Use Active Directory

Whether or not your 12d Synergy server uses Active Directory for group membership

Default value: No

Restart Required

Active Directory Server

The address of the server – note that the user running the 12d Synergy Service must be able to read from AD

Max # of Concurrent Events

The maximum number of events that can be run at once – adjust this with care. You should not need to make changes to this. If your server is running slowly, investigate if there is disk or CPU contention first.

Default value: 25

Max # of Concurrent Queries

The maximum number of queries that the server can process at once (this does not refer to SQL queries). Adjust this with care.

You should not need to make changes to this. If your server is running slowly, investigate if there is disk or CPU contention first.

Default value: 16 * the number of processors

12d Model Store Location

The UNC Path to network based 12d Model projects

Authorization Mode

The mode used for Authorization – Windows (single Sign On) or Custom
If you switch to custom, you must specify a Certificate
Restart required

Certificate Friendly Name

The name of an X509 Certificate used to encrypt and certify communications when authenticating in Custom Username mode

Indexing Mode

This should always be set to Integrated. Other values are reserved for future development.

Indexing Directory

The location of the index on the server.

Default Search Term

The conjunction used when values are passed into job or file searches that are not phrases

Default value: Or

Require descriptions for new files

Whether or not users are prompted for descriptions when a new file is added to the system
Default value: Yes

System admins have access to all data

System administrators do not have to have access to read/write all files. If this is set to no, they must have explicit read or write permissions on the file.

Only System admins can modify contacts

Controls whether or not regular users can modify the contacts list

Log all connections

Whether or not all connections are logged when connecting and disconnecting

Show issued files registry

Whether or not to show the files registry option

Restarted Required

Use issued file set versioning

Whether or not to use the versioned mode of the issued files registry

Show issued files registry at top level jobs only

Whether or not the issued files registry shows at each level or the top level

Can file owner purge own files?

Whether or not the owner / creator of a file can purge a file

Default value: Yes

Should new folders default to inheriting file and file change attributes?

Whether or not new folders will automatically inherit the file and file change attributes of the folder above

Default value: No

Hide save as / send to

Whether or not the client should display the save as / send to options

Default value: No

Only System Admins can purge data

Whether or not only System Administrators are allowed to purge data

Default value: Yes

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