Setting up Files over the Web
  • 27 Sep 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Setting up Files over the Web

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Article summary

1.1 What you will need

To setup Files over the Web, you will need: 

  1. Your external address
  2. The port number to use
  3. A certificate, if using HTTPS
  4. An optional redirect port number, if using HTTPS
  5. The service account running 12d Synergy to be an administrator

1.2 Basic Configuration

To setup Files over the Web, follow these steps:

  1. Open the 12d Synergy Administrator
  2. Go to the "System Settings" section
  3. Select "Files over the Web"
  4. Tick "Allow file transfers over the Web"
  5. Specify your external address
  6. Specify the port number to use (keep in mind the firewall restrictions)
  7. Open the port in your external firewall and forward it to your 12d Synergy Server.
    This step is dependent on your router setup.

1.3 Setting up Publishing

If you want to setup Publishing, follow these steps:

  1. Tick on "Allow Publishing"
  2. Define a relative server path - this is cosmetic only, and provides a URL base for any publishing file requests
    The final URL will be shown in the "Path Base" field
  3. Define a location for your absolute package path. This is where publishing will store zipped file packages. This path should be a path seen by your server, such as a local hard drive on the server or a network drive via a UNC path.
  4. Other settings such as web page templates can be configured here but are outside the scope of this document

1.4 Setting up Web File Drops

If you want to setup web file drops, follow these steps:

  1. Tick on "Allow file uploads"
  2. Define a relative server path - this is cosmetic only and provides a URL base for any web drop requests
  3. Other settings such as colouring etc can be configured here but are outside the scope of this document

1.5 Setting up HTTPS

To setup HTTPS, you will need to register the certificate with 12d Synergy. This can be achieved under the "SSL Certificates" tab in the settings area of the 12d Synergy Administrator. Whether we help you purchase the certificate, if you self-sign or bring your own, you will need to get the thumbprint of the certificate. This is a unique identifier required by windows for setting up your certificate. This can be found under the "Existing Certificate" tab once you've registered and restarted the service.

For more information on certificates, please see: Managing Certificates

1.5.1. Backwards compatibility with V2 via HTTP Redirect

V2 did not support HTTPS and only published data over HTTP. This may mean V2 Servers may still be publishing HTTP links. If you switch to HTTPS on the same port, these links will be broken and will no longer work. If this does not matter, or you are sure you have no links, then you don't need to worry. But if you do need to preserve old links, you will need to take the following step: 

  1. Identify a new, unique port for HTTPS
  2. Setup HTTPS using the new port
  3. Turn on HTTP Redirect
  4. Set the HTTP Redirect port to the port number you were using previously

1.5.2. Admin Permissions

The service account that runs 12d Synergy must have admin permissions to set up HTTPS. If the service account does not have admin permissions, you will need to register your HTTPS certificate manually. This can be done by:

  1. Open Windows Command Prompt as an Administrator
  2. Run the following command, substituting in the appropriate values for your certificate thumbprint and the HTTPS Port
    netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=CERTIFICATE_THUMBPRINT appid={f2010563-a376-4202-baec-6cd269839269}
    You can get the thumbprint by looking for it in your certificate store for Windows. For more information on how to get the thumbprint, please see: Use an existing Certificate
  3. Once that succeeds, go to your 12d Synergy Administrator → System Settings → Custom Settings
  4. Add a new setting: SkipHTTPSCertificateRegistration and set its value to 1
    This will stop 12d Synergy from trying to automatically register the certificate for you.
  5. Save the settings
  6. Restart your 12d Synergy service

Note: If the command fails, paste the command into notepad and then save it as a .txt file. Then ensure all unicode characters have been removed.

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