12d Synergy + TUFLOW Quick Sheet
  • 17 Oct 2024
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12d Synergy + TUFLOW Quick Sheet

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Article summary

In this quick sheet, you’ll learn our recommended best practices for managing TUFLOW data inside 12d Synergy.

1.1. Recommended TUFLOW File Structure in 12d Synergy

One of the unique features of 12d Synergy is its ability to track changes to a folder of files rather than individual files themselves. This happens in a Managed Folder. This means that you can checkout the managed folder, add, delete or update files in it and 12d Synergy can manage these changes at check-in, uploading all the changes to the server. If a folder is managed, it means that you cannot check-out files individually; you must work with the whole folder at one time.

When using TUFLOW within 12d Synergy, the full TUFLOW model project needs to to be managed in its entirety as a managed folder, as seen in the image below:

1.2. Creating Managed Folders

A managed folder can be created in 12d Synergy by selecting the location for the folder in the tree structure and clicking the New Folder icon from the top ribbon, or by using the right-click option New and then selecting the Folder option. The Create a Folder window is displayed, in which you have to name the folder appropriately and select the Managed Folder?   check box.

1.3. Working with Managed Folders

Similar to individual files in 12d Synergy, managed folders must be checked out to work with the files within them. A managed folder can be checked out by first selecting the folder in the tree structure, then using the right-click option Check Out or by clicking the Check Out  icon on the ribbon above.

Once checked out, users can right-click on the managed folder in the tree structure and utilise the Explore feature to navigate to their local workspace where the contents of the folder can be accessed to make the required changes.  

When users have finished making changes to the files, the managed folder must be checked back in. Ensure all files in the folder are saved and closed. Check-in the managed folder by navigating to the managed folder in the tree structure, and using the right-click option Check In or clicking the Check In icon on the ribbon above.

You will then be prompted for a change description, which will form the history of your managed folder.

For more details about Managed folders, please access the 12d Synergy Knowledge Base.

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