12d Synergy + GIS Layers - Western Australia
  • 17 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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12d Synergy + GIS Layers - Western Australia

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Article summary

12d Synergy’s mapping can be configured to overlay many GIS types and open-source data layers which include any of the following categories.

  • ArcGIS Server

  • ArcGIS Online Base Map

  • WMTS

  • Shape Files

  • KML / KMZ

For details about adding and configuring map layers, please read the 12d Synergy knowledge base here.  

Open Source Data - Western Australia

Opensource data is available throughout Australia, New Zealand and the world.

Listed below are some of the open-source data that can be utilised within 12d Synergy and 12d Model.

For more details about Mapping Layers, please access the 12d Synergy Knowledge Base.

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