12d Synergy + ArcGIS Management Quick Sheet
  • 17 Oct 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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12d Synergy + ArcGIS Management Quick Sheet

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Article summary

In this quick sheet, you’ll learn our recommended best practices for managing ArcGIS Pro projects and data inside 12d Synergy.

1.1. Recommended File Structure

ArcGIS Pro projects are generally made up of a collection of related items and associated files that are stored together in one system folder. This helps prevent associated files and resources becoming detached or corrupt. ArcGIS Projects can also connect to other resources outside of a singular project that provide access to contents such as folders, layouts, databases, geoprocessing tools and more.

One of the unique features of 12d Synergy is its ability to track changes to a folder of files rather than individual files themselves. This happens in a Managed Folder. For an ArcGIS project, it enables the user to checkout the entire system folder, so that it is locked for them and is accessible only to them. They can then make changes to the ArcGIS project and at check-in, all the files of the managed folder, which include the changed files also, are uploaded to the single source of truth on the server. If a folder is a managed folder, users cannot edit files within that folder individually.

For some teams, there might be files that are shared or referenced by multiple projects at the same time. When there are multiple dependencies, the referenced files or resources should be managed separately by each project that is dependent on them.

File Geodatabases that are referenced by multiple projects are a folder of files and they need to be treated as a managed folder.

Therefore, 12d Synergy recommends that the best practice for managing ArcGIS Pro projects is to include any of the following three approaches:

  1. A Managed Folder Structure at the ArcGIS Pro system folder level

  2. A File Geodatabase Managed Folder

  3. Automated download dependencies from a shared project folder level

1.2. Creating Managed Folders

A managed folder can be created in 12d Synergy by selecting the location for the folder in the tree structure and clicking the New Folder icon from the top ribbon, or by using the right-click option New and then selecting the Folder option. The Create a Folder window is displayed, in which you have to name the folder appropriately and select the Managed Folder?   check box.

1.3. ArcGIS Pro Managed Folders

Similar to individual files in 12d Synergy, managed folders must be checked out to work with the files within them.  A managed folder can be checked out by first selecting the folder in the tree structure, then using the right-click option Check Out or by clicking the Check Out  icon on the ribbon above.

Once checked out, users can right-click on the managed folder in the tree structure and utilise the Explore feature to navigate to their local workspace where the contents of the folder can be accessed to make the required changes.  

When creating your ArcGIS Pro project, the below image shows the directory in which you should create your project. Note that your project file geodatabase will be generated by ArcGIS Pro and it will remain a part of the managed folder as it is specific to the project.

When users have finished making changes to the files, the managed folder must be checked back in. Ensure all files in the folder are saved and closed. Check-in the managed folder by navigating to the managed folder in the tree structure, and using the right-click option Check In or clicking the Check In icon on the ribbon above.

You will then be prompted for a change description, which will form the history of your managed folder.

For more details about Managed folders, please access the 12d Synergy Knowledge Base.

1.4. File Geodatabase Managed Folders

Some projects may reference the same File Geodatabases. All .gdb files are generated outside of the 12d Synergy environment. Therefore, a slightly different process is needed to convert them into Managed Folders. Once the File Geodatabase is generated, open the location on the disk, and use the drag and drop method to add the file geodatabase to the Reference folder in the 12d Synergy Project. You will be prompted with the Upload Preview window as shown below:

The file geodatabase will look like a normal buff coloured folder, as shown in the image above. Check if you are happy with the location and folder structure and then click Upload.

To convert the geodatabase into a managed folder, right-click the folder in the 12d Synergy tree view, and select the Edit Folder option. In the resulting Edit a Folder window, in the General panel (on left), General tab (upper right), toggle on Is a managed folder? check box, click Save and close the window.

Your File Geodatabase will now be displayed as a blue managed folder.

If a file geodatabase is checked out, it is locked. However, it is still accessible to other projects as a read-only version.

1.5. Managing a Separate References folder

Having a reference folder that is separate to the ArcGIS Pro projects managed folder, you can locally cache the references that are shared by multiple projects. Some organisations prefer to manage the local caching of the Reference folder manually by utilising the Get All functionality in 12d Synergy.

However, we would recommend utilising the Download Dependency feature. Information on both methods is mentioned below.

1.5.1. The ‘Get All’ Function

The Get All function caches selected information to an individual’s local workspace, without opening or checking out the files.

A Get All can be performed at a folder level by using the Get All right-click option on the folder in the job tree of 12d Synergy.  

Performing this action on the References folder prior to checking out the project managed folder, ensures that the ArcGIS Pro project can find the correct and latest references in your local cache.

If the latest files already exist in your local cache, they will not be downloaded again. The version on the local cache will remain read-only unless changes need to be made and the file needs to be checked out and edited. This workflow ensures a single point of truth and the file history is maintained for all files.

All files in 12d Synergy MUST be checked out for the edits to take effect. If you attempt to make changes to files in a non-checked out state from your local cache, all changes will not be carried through to the 12d Synergy Server.

1.5.2. Download Dependency Rule

A download dependency rule is a way to automate preforming a Get All in 12d Synergy. This makes working with files easier by getting any of the necessary peripheral information automatically during the process of opening the file. It can be set up for any folder within your project.

To set up a Download Dependency rule on your system, administration access is required.

A simplified process for setting up a download dependency rule is mentioned below.

  1. Right-click the Managed Folder and select the Edit Folder  option.

  2. In the Edit a Folder window, select the Rules panel on the left.

  3. Then select the Download Dependency Rules tab along the top.

  4. Click the button in the upper right to bring up the Add Download Dependency Rule window.
    It is here that our download dependency rule can be created/set. In the image above, the download dependency rule looks for the relative References folder highlighted in the orange box.


Creating this rule and the associated folders in your template will ensure it is rolled out across all your Jobs, with no further input required.

For more details about Download Dependencies, please access the 12d Synergy Knowledge Base.

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