Preloading Client Side Server Details
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Preloading Client Side Server Details

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Article summary

It is possible to pre-define the list of servers and their settings for a client to read.

If the ServerAddresses.xml file exists at %appdata%\12dSynergy folder, the 12d Synergy Client application will attempt to read it at startup. This is part of the roaming user profile for each user.

Note that this will only ADD a new server or UPDATE the existing server(s). If a previously added server is not found in the file, it will not be removed from the list of servers.

1.1. XML file format to Preload the Server  

    the root element has an attribute of Add, which can be either Always or NewDatabase
    this determines whether the system should always read the file, or only when it's a new Local Database
<Servers Add="AlwaysOrNewDatabase">

      <Name>Server Name</Name>
      <Guid>ServerGuid</Guid> <!-- the Server GUID can be found in your administrative console. if you are connecting to a third party server, please ask the administrator of the remote system -->
      <UseAsDefault>TrueOrFalse</UseAsDefault> <!-- whether or not this server should be the default server when opening the application -->
        <!-- you can have one or two addresses at this level - one for local, one for remote -->

1.2. A sample file for Adding one Server with both, Local and Remote Addresses, with an FRS for the Remote Server

<Servers Add="Always">
     <Name>My Synergy Server</Name>

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