Limitations of the Web
  • 11 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Limitations of the Web

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Article summary

Web browsers are in general designed as sandboxes to protect users from malicious actors on the internet. As a result, browsers operate in a way that does not allow websites to interact with an operating system in the same way.

The Web version of 12d Synergy has been designed to provide you with access to your files but as a result of these browser limitations, some of the unique features of 12d Synergy, such as its intelligent data transfer via local caching and reference, are not possible.

12d Synergy is committed to adding features to the Web version to match the thick client, where possible. 

1. Technical Limitations

  1. Files will be downloaded to the location the browser specifies for downloads, not to the workspace.
  2. When checking data in, users must select the appropriate file manually.
  3. While a user may be able to select a folder, downloading it to the workspace via the Web browser will not be recognized by the thick client and may cause additional downloads.
  4. 12d Model projects and Managed Folders cannot be downloaded via the Web or mobile app. However, their history can be viewed.
  5. Reference tracked files cannot be interrogated at upload time. Checking in and checking out references is disabled by default as it may lead to references that are relative to the user’s machine. However, users can download files with references resolved.
  6. The thick client must be installed to use the plugins.
  7. The plugins may not recognize browser downloaded files as 12d Synergy files, leading to reduced functionality.
  8. Access to your mail client from a browser is limited. Functionality such as ‘Issue via Outlook’ is not available when issuing from a mobile device or the Web browser.
  9. It is not possible to drag and drop folder structures to a Web browser. Web browsers can only see file names, not folder names.
  10. Items that contain manually inserted HTML may not render correctly. An example of that is adding an HTML table to task descriptions.
  11. It is not possible to add user-specific layers for maps - all map layers must be defined in the thick client via the Job Editor or at the System-wide/Global level in the Administrator.

2. Functional Limitations / Not Yet Available

  1. Administrative functionality is not available.
  2. Creating folders from templates is not available.
  3. Deleting folders is not available. 
  4. Creation of published files/packages and Web drop is not available.
  5. Drag and drop operations for files, folders, and tasks are not available. However, copy and move operations can be achieved for files and folders.
  6. Publishing to PDF is not available.
  7. Management of layouts and layout attributes is not available.
  8. Bulk attribute edit is not available.
  9. Not all reports are currently available.
  10. My Recent Items is currently bound to the client-side installation of the thick client and is not available for the Web or mobile app.
  11. Creating an issue set with folder structure is not available.
  12. Downloading multiple files is not available.
  13. Multi image upload can not access all parts of the Workflow Data Capture process, such as associations.

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