- 06 Nov 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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Issuing: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Updated on 06 Nov 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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The Issuing feature in 12d Synergy is an inbuilt secure data transmission tool. Documents or files to be issued are grouped into file sets/issue sets. These sets can then be transmitted to one or more individuals who are added as 12d Synergy contacts, both internal and external. During the process, receipt transmittals can be automatically populated from a built-in template, if desired. The Issue feature captures a snapshot of the files as they were at the time of issuing, ensuring files can be recalled if needed later.
There are various options for the transmission of issue sets. A brief description of each is mentioned below:
- Via Email (Server) – This option issues the file set via an automated email from the Server. The recipient’s email size limit is a limitation in this method. While this method tracks the details of the file set sent, there is no proof that the files have been received and accessed by the recipients.
- Via Publishing – This option issues the file set via a secure web link that can be password-protected. It then sends an automated template email with the web link to the recipients. This option can track both, the issue details and the receipt details. However, ensure that your 12d Synergy Administrator has enabled the pre-requisites for the publishing feature for your account.
- Manually – This option zips the file set and saves it in the local Downloads folder for manual submission. A record is maintained that a file set has been issued manually.
- Internally – This option saves the file set to a location in the 12d Synergy Server and shares an automated link to the 12d Synergy users via email. The files can be accessed via the 12d Synergy Web or Mobile Apps or the 12d Synergy Client application. A record is maintained that a file set has been issued internally.
1.1. How to Issue Files
1.1.1. Create a file set Via the Issued Files tab in the Job Tree
The Issued files tab in the job tree displays the issued file sets categorised under the sets created by your 12d Synergy Administrator. You can also view the versions of the file sets and choose which version you want to issue.
- Click the Issued files tab of the required job in the job tree.
The Issued File Set Types form is displayed.
By default, the File Set Types created by your 12d Synergy Administrator to organise your issued files are displayed. - Click the required File Set Type.
- Click the Create Issue Set
button at the bottom-right corner of the form.
The Create a File Set dialog box is displayed. - Select the required File Set Type from the Set Type list.
- Enter a name for the File Set you are creating in the Set Name field.
- Select the Add all referenced files check box if you want to add all relevant references for the files being issued. The relevant references are determined at issue time.
- Click the Next button.
- Enter a description for the file set you are creating in the text editor.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Add file(s)
The Select files dialog box is displayed. - Browse through the jobs or folders, if any, to view and select the required files.
- Click the Select
The selected files are displayed in the Files section of the Create a File Set dialog box. - Click the Create
A file set is created. - Click the file set you created to view its contents.
- Click the Issue
The Issue File Set dialog box is displayed. Via Bulk Action button in Folder View
You can directly issue files from a folder that contains the files to be issued.
- Select the folder which has the multiple files that you need to move, issue, or copy.
The list of files in the selected folder is displayed in the Folder view. - Select the checkboxes against the files you want to move or copy.
The Bulk actionbutton is displayed.
- Click the Bulk action
Depending on the size of the browser or if you are using the 12d Synergy Mobile App, this option is displayed either as a selection option below the 12d Synergy ribbon or as an option in themenu at the bottom-right of the page.
- Select the Issue selected files option.
The 12d Synergy dialog box is displayed. - Do one of the following:
- To add the selected files to an existing issue set, do the following:
- Select the Existing option.
The Add to an existing issue set dialog box is displayed. - Select the required file set type from the Set Type list.
The file sets in the selected file set type are displayed below. - Click the required file set from the list of file sets.
The Add button is enabled. - Click the Add
The Issue File Set dialog box is displayed.
- Select the Existing option.
- To create a new issue set with the selected files, do the following:
- Select the New option.
The Create a File set dialog box is displayed. - Select the file set type under which you want to create a file set from the Set Type list.
- Enter a name to the file set you are creating in the Set Name field.
- Select the Add all referenced files check box if you want to add all relevant references for the files being issued. The relevant references are determined at issue time.
- Click the Next button.
- If you want to describe the files or file set, enter it in the text editor in the Description section.
- Click the Next button.
The list of selected files is displayed in the Files section. - Click the Create button.
The Issue File Set dialog box is displayed.
- Select the New option.
- To add the selected files to an existing issue set, do the following:
1.1.2. Issue a File Set
- In the Issue File Set dialog box, under the Step 1 -Issue details section, do the following:
- Select the version of the file set to be issued from the File Set Version list.
Current refers to the latest version of the selected file set.
- Select one of the following modes to issue the file set.
- Via Email (Server) – This option will email the recipients directly from a server email address. You will not be able to make changes to the contents of the email.
- Via Publishing – This option will enable you to publish the files over the internet, which are viewable in any web browser. However, ensure that your 12d Synergy Administrator has enabled the pre-requisites for the publishing feature for your account.
- Manually – This option will enable you to download the issued file set in zip format to the default Downloads folder on your system to be able to access it later. However, a record is maintained that a file set has been issued manually.
- Internally – This option will enable you to save the file set at a specific location in 12d Synergy Client and share the location with the selected 12d Synergy users via email.
- Select the Include Transmittal cover sheet check box to include an overview of the files being issued as the cover sheet.
- Select the Send Zipped Files check box to zip the files before issuing them.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the version of the file set to be issued from the File Set Version list.
- In the Step 2 –Required Attributes section, enter/select the required attribute values.
- Click the Next button.
- In the Step 3 – Contacts section, click the
button to add the contacts to whom the files have to be issued.
- Click the Next button.
Based on the mode selected for issuing the file set, in Step 1 – Issue Details section, Step 4 is accordingly displayed. - Do one of the following:
- If the mode of issuing is Via Email Server then do the following in the Step 4 – Email files section.
- Enter the subject of the email in the Subject field.
- Enter information, if any, in the Notes field.
- Select the Send Zipped Files check box to zip the files before issuing them.
- If your 12d Synergy Administrator allows you to send issued files from different email addresses, then the Send email as me check box is enabled. You can select this check box to send the issued files as an email from your email address.
- Select the Include Transmittal cover sheet check box to include an overview of the files being issued as the cover sheet.
- Click the Email button.
- If the mode of issuing is Via Publishing then do the following in the Step 4 – Publish this issue section.
- Select the Available Until check box and click the calendar icon
to select a date until when the issued files will be available for download.
- Select the Password check box and enter a password if you want the files to be password protected.
- Toggle the Send password switch to send the password in the published email to the selected recipients. If this switch is not turned on, then the password has to be communicated to the recipients manually.
- Enter any information you want the recipients to know in the Extra info field.
- Select the required template for the download page from the Download Page list.
- Select the Always show download page check box to view the download page for downloading the check box. If this check box is not selected, the issued files are directly downloaded into your Downloads folder.
- If your 12d Synergy Administrator allows you to send issued files from different email addresses, then the Send email as me check box is enabled. You can select this check box to send the issued files as emails from your email address.
- In the Notifications section, click the Add
button to add recipients who should be notified when the published file is downloaded.
- Click the Publish button.
- Select the Available Until check box and click the calendar icon
- If the mode of issuing is Manually, then click the Issue button to zip the file set and download it to the default Downloads folder in your system.
- If the mode of issuing is Internally then do the following in the Step 4 – Issue Internally section.
- Click the folder icon
in the Folder field to select a folder in the 12d Synergy App into which you want to store the issued file set.
The Issue button is enabled. - Enter the subject of the email in the Subject field.
- Enter extra information, if any, in the Notes field.
- Click the Issue button.
The selected file set is issued via the selected mode and recipients are notified based on the selections made.
- Click the folder icon
- If the mode of issuing is Via Email Server then do the following in the Step 4 – Email files section.
1.2. How to Modify a File Set
Issued file sets change over time as files are modified, added, and removed. Each time you issue a file set, its contents are locked. The next time you modify the file set by adding a file, deleting a file, or changing the version number of the file, a new file set version is created. The different versions of the files in the file set are displayed in the File Set view > Files tab page.
If the latest version of the file set in the File Set view is NOT yet issued, then all the modifications you make will apply to that file set version only.
- Click the Issued files tab of the required job in the job tree.
The Issued File Set Types form is displayed.
By default, the File Set Types created by your 12d Synergy Administrator to organise your issued files are displayed. - Click the required File Set Type.
The File Set view, displaying the file sets created under the selected file set type is displayed. - Click the file set you want to modify.
The version-wise contents of the file set are displayed. - Click the Modify button.
The Modify File Set dialog box is displayed. - You can modify any of the following:
- Set name field – change the name of the file set
- Add all referenced files check box – whether or not to include the referenced files of the files included in the file set at issue time.
- Description – a description of the issued file set.
- Files section – a section that enables you to do any of the following modifications.
- To Add files to the file set, click the Add file(s)
icon to select more files from the Select File(s) dialog and click the Select button.
- To Delete files to the file set, click the Delete icon
against the file to be deleted.
- To Select a different version of the file in the file set, click the Update Version
icon against the file to select the required version of the file from the Select Version dialog box.
When you modify the file set name in the Set Name field, select or clear the Add all referenced files check box, or add a description to the file set, a new version of the file set is NOT created. It is only created when you make changes to the files included in an issued file set, like adding or deleting files and changing the version number of the included files.
- To Add files to the file set, click the Add file(s)
- Click the Modify button.
The file set is modified and is displayed as the next version in the File Set view.You can also add a file to a file set from the Folder view when using the Bulk Action button > Issue selected files option > Existing option > Add to an existing file set dialog box.
1.3. How to Download Transmittals
- Click the Issued files tab of the required job in the job tree.
The Issued File Set Types form is displayed. - Click the required File Set Type.
The list of file sets created under the selected file set type is displayed. - Click the file set whose transmittal you want to download.
The File Set view is displayed. - Click the Issues tab.
The issues of the selected file set are displayed. - Click the issue whose transmittal you want to download.
The Issued File Set view is displayed with all the details of the issue. - Click the Download Transmittal
The Transmittal File Name dialog box is displayed. - Enter a file name for the transmittal and click the Save button.
The transmittal is downloaded as an html page and is saved in the Downloads folder of the system. You can view it in any browser of your choice.
1.4. How to View Published File details
You can view all the published file details such as who published it, when was it published, which mode was it issued in, whether it still active or has expired, how many downloads have happened, etc.
- Click the Issued files tab of the required job in the job tree.
The Issued File Set Types form is displayed. - Click the required File Set Type.
The list of file sets created under the selected file set type is displayed. - Click the file set whose published files you want to see.
- Click the Issues tab.
- Click the issued file set which was published.
To know whether or not an issued file set has been issued via publishing, click the required Issue set, and in the Issue details view, check the Issue Method. If it is Published, then it is a file set that has been issued via publishing.
- Click the View Publish Info
The Publishing Info view is displayed.
1.5. How to Cancel a Published Link
You can cancel a file set that has been issued via publishing. This means that the published files link is invalid and an error message is displayed when trying to access that link.
- Click the Issued files tab of the required job in the job tree.
The Issued File Set Types form is displayed. - Click the required File Set Type.
The list of file sets created under the selected file set type is displayed. - Click the file set whose published files you want to see.
- Click the Issues tab.
- Click the issued file set which was published.
To know whether or not an issued file set has been issued via publishing, click the required Issue set, and in the Issue details view, check the Issue Method. If it is Published, then it is a file set that has been issued via publishing.
- Click the View Publish Info
- Click the Cancel Publish
A prompt asking you to confirm is displayed. - Click the Yes button.
The published file link is cancelled and is no longer valid.