Image Gallery
  • 13 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Image Gallery

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Article summary

The Image Gallery enables you to view images and perform basic photo editing from within the 12d Synergy Client application. 

1.1. How to View an Image in Image Gallery

  1. Double-click an image in a folder of images within the 12d Synergy Client application.
    The Image Gallery is displayed.

You can scroll through the images in the left pane.

You can perform the following basic editing capabilities from the Image Gallery.



Rotate Images clockwise and anticlockwise

Flip images vertically and horizontally

Zoom in and zoom out images

Edit/View the image using MS Window's default program associated with picture files (e.g. JPG, PNG, etc).

Print the image

Save the image

Delete the image from the 12d Synergy application

Export the image as an issue set using the Export > Issue option

Save the image at a different location with a different name using the Export > Save As option

Create a link to the image and publish it on a clipboard or email, or create a shortcut of the image on the desktop using the Export > Create Link option

  • You can export multiple images at one go by selecting multiple images using the Ctrl key while selecting them, and then clicking the Export button.
  • You can toggle between list view and the tile view in a folder of images by right-clicking anywhere in the files tab (folder view). 

  • To set the Tile View as a default display option for folders with images, you (12d Synergy Administrator) can edit the folder and select the Tile View check box in the General tab > Folder Layout tab.

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