Performing the Installation (Server)
  • 19 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Performing the Installation (Server)

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Article summary

The installation is started by running the 12dSynergy_Server_Install_<Version number>.exe for first time installations and 12dSynergy_Server_Upgrade_<Version number>.exe for upgraders.

The installer will provide you with helpful hints to make the process simple

1.1 Welcome to the 12d Synergy Server Installation

This is the welcome page. Click Next to continue.

1.2 End User License Agreement

To install 12d Synergy, you must accept the license agreement before clicking ‘Next

1.3 Pick Installation Location

Choose the installation location – it is recommended this is left as the default pre-defined setting.

Click Next when you have selected the location to install to.

1.4 Configure the 12d Synergy Server - Port and Login Details

Note: The installer will attempt to test these credentials. In some cases, it may be possible for an incorrect result to this test, depending on the complexity of your  network. This test should be taken as a guideline only - a failed result can be ignored if you are sure your credentials are correct.

1.5 Configure the 12d Synergy Server Database

You can now choose if you are using a pre-existing SQL Server, or if you would like 12d Synergy to install a new copy of SQL Server Express 2014 for you.

Note: If you choose to install SQL Server 2014 express, you must accept Microsoft’s terms and conditions for the use of SQL Server 2014.

1.6 Configure the 12d Synergy Server DB - Already installed

If you choose to use an existing SQL Server, you will be prompted for the above information. If you chose to have one installed for you, you can skip this step.

You can use the Test Connection button to test your settings against your database server.

1.7 Configure the 12d Synergy Server - Host and Mail Details

You can send a test email to test your mail settings – you should receive an email at the nominated ‘Send to’ address if the values are correct.

1.8 Configure the 12d Synergy File Storage Settings


1.9 Configure the 12d Synergy Authorized Settings

1.10 Configure the 12d Synergy Server - Add an Admin User

1.11 Install Your Licence File

You will have been provided with a licence file by the 12d Synergy team. Please specify it here.

1.12 Performing Installation

You are now ready to perform the installation. Click install to begin

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