File Stores
  • 22 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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File Stores

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Article summary


12d Synergy stores its files in a ‘file store’. When 12d Synergy is installed, a default File Store was configured. All initial jobs created would have been bound to this file store.

However, you are not limited to one. You may wish to span different jobs across different drives or physical machines. To set up more than one file store, visit the File Storage section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.

Note that once bound, Jobs can currently not be moved to a different file store.

Types of File Stores

Delta Store

This is the default storage mechanism for 12d Synergy. This file store type cuts down on disk space by only storing the changes between files, though it will occasionally store full versions to cut down on time to reconstruct files when prior versions as requested.

The following settings are required:

File Store Location -  where the file store should be located
Cache Retention – how long, in hours, a re-assembled file should be stored
How often to store full versions –  after how many versions should a full version be stored to cut down on reassembly time

Full Store

The full store is the most simple time, and the most disk hungry, but the fastest to use. It simply stores a copy of every file.

The following settings are required:

File Store Location - where the file store should be located.

File Store Bindings

File store bindings describe which files should be stored in which file store. Once a file store is stored in a file store, all changes to that file will also go to that store.

File store bindings are defined by a set of rules, such as “is it an ecw”, or is it a folder named Emails?

The purpose is to allow you to span file storage across different drives, for different purposes. For example, files of high importance may go to faster disk drives etc.

Binding rules are then selected when a job is created, which indicates how the job should determine where files should go.

The following file store bindings are available:

  1. File Name
    Does the file match a file name? This can be an extension or a full name
  2. Folder Name
    Does the folder have a certain name?
  3. Catch All
    Everything else goes here

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