Outlook Templates
  • 23 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Outlook Templates

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Article summary

You can create different email templates for different operations in 12d Synergy. They can be triggered from the 12d Synergy Client application and the 12d Synergy plugin in MS Outlook.  For instance, your organisation might have a standard email used for unsuccessful Tenders. This could be a template email triggered via the New Email from Template button on the 12d Synergy plugin in MS Outlook. Or you may circulate a project update weekly to the team on a job. This could be a template email, triggered from the Email button in the 12d Synergy quick access toolbar when you access the Teams link from the job tree in the 12d Synergy Client application.  

1.1. How to Define a Template for an Action

1.1.1. Create an Email Template in MS Outlook

  1. In MS Outlook, draft an email message with all the formatting that you wish to have in a template. 
  2. Select the File > Save As option and save the email as a .msg file (Outlook Message Format) in a location on your system.
    This file acts as a template for your emails. 
  3. Open the job in which you want to save the template in 12d Synergy Client application.
  4. Create a folder for saving the email templates, and sub folders for each operation type for which you want to create templates.

  5. Add the template(s) you have created to the corresponding sub folder created for the selected operation.
    The sub folder for the selected operation now has the template created for that operation. 
You can have multiple templates for an operation. When the operation is triggered, all the templates added for that operation are displayed. You can then select any one template that matches your requirement then. 

1.1.2. Attach the Email Template to an Operation

  1. In the 12d Synergy Administration application, select the Emails > Outlook Templates tab.

  2. Select the required operation from the Operations tree structure displayed in the left box of the Outlook Templates tab.  
  3. Click the Change button.
    The Find a job window is displayed.
  4. Search for the required job, and access the sub folder that you have saved for the operation selected in Step 2. 
  5. Click the Select button.
    The template(s) added to the selected sub folder is displayed in the right box of the Outlook Templates tab.

    Thus the template for an operation is attached to the operation. So whenever the email option is selected while the operation is initiated, the corresponding template is triggered.  

1.1.3. Email Trigger Points for Various Operations

ActionEmail Triggered from

Email Contact

12d Synergy Client application > Window file menu > Contacts option > Select a contact from Contacts tab > Email button 

Email Team

12d Synergy Client application >Team link in the job tree structure > Email icon button in the 12d Synergy quick access toolbar > Use button in Select users window 

Issue Files

  • 12d Synergy Client application right-click a file to be issued > Data out option> Issue option > Use an existing issue option > Add button in Add to an existing issue set window> > In the Issue File Set window, select Via Email (Outlook) option from the Issue these files list and enter other mandatory details and click the Issue button.       
  • 12d Synergy Client application right-click a file to be issued > Data out option> Issue option > Create new issue option > Create button Create a File Set window In the Issue File Set window, select Via Email (Outlook) option from the Issue these files list and enter other mandatory details and click the Issue button.       

Email File Link

  • 12d Synergy Client application > right-click a file > Other option > Create Link option > Email option 
  • 12d Synergy Client application > right-click a file > Other option > Create Web Link option > Email option

Send to Email Recipient

12d Synergy Client application right-click a file > Data Out option > Send To option > Mail Recipient option

Email Published Files

12d Synergy Client application right-click a file to be issued > Data out option> Publish option > Select the Send email check box in the File Publishing window and click the Publish button > In the Send published email window, Select the Send email manually via outlook option and add a email recipient using the Add Contacts button and click the Publish button.   

Email Issued Published Files

  • 12d Synergy Client application right-click a file to be issued > Data out option > Issue option > Use an existing issue option > Add to an existing issue set window > Add button > In the Issue File Set window, select Via Publishing (Outlook) option from the Issue these files list and enter other mandatory details and click the Issue button.
  • 12d Synergy Client application right-click a file to be issued > Data out option > Issue option > Create new issue option > Enter Create a File Set window > Add button > In the Issue File Set window, select Via Publishing (Outlook) option from the Issue these files list and enter other mandatory details and click the Issue button.

New Outlook Emails

In MS Outlook > 12d Synergy Plugin > New Email from Template icon button

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