Xero Connector
  • 01 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Xero Connector

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Article summary


  1. Download the connector .dll file to your computer - Download Connectors? Click here
  2. Run 12d Synergy Administrator
  3. Connect to your server
  4. In the left pane, click Connectors
  5. In the Connectors pan, click Load New Connectors (found at the bottom of the screen
  6. Click the Upload Assembly button
  7. Browse to and upload the previously downloaded connector .dll file
  8. In the confirmation popup, click OK
  9. Click the Close button


In order to connect with Xero, an X509 certificate is required. This can be generated within 12d Synergy or you can use your own.

Generating a New Certificate

  1. Run the Xero Application list and select Add Application
  2. Select Private - just for use with my own organisation
  3. Enter the application as 12d Synergy and choose the organisation you want to connect with
  4. If you have a certificate file, select Upload X509 certificate file and choose your .cer file. Otherwise, paste your public key certificate into the text box.
  5. Ensure the Payroll API check box is enabled
  6. Fill in any remaining details and select 'Save;
  7. Under OAuth Credential, take note of the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. These will need to be entered in the Xero Configuration.

Xero Configuration

The Xero connector has the following configuration options:

  • Base API URL: The URL of the Xero API's. You should not need to change this.
  • Consumer Key: Enter your Consumer Key here.
  • Consumer Secret: Enter your Consumer Secret here.
  • Private Key: This is automatically generated if you have used the Generate Certificate option. Otherwise, if using your own certificate, enter your private key here.
  • Project: The project in 12d Synergy for Xero files, folders and attachments.

Before running a connector for the first time you must:

  • Create a backup of your 12d Synergy database
  • Test your mappings via the 'Run Test' button

Read your version's 12d Synergy Administration manual for detailed instructions on how to setup connectors here.

Xero Connector Video

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