Users, Contacts and Groups
  • 18 Sep 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Users, Contacts and Groups

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Article summary

1.1 Contacts

  1. Overview
    A contact is a record of information about a person or company. It consists, simply of a name and an email address. You can add additional attributes, if you so choose.
    A contact does not have login access to the system unless they are also a User.
  2. Defining Contact Attributes
    Attributes that must be applied to contact or users can be defined in the Users section of the 12d Synergy Administrator, under the 'System Attributes' tab.
    For more information on attributes and types of attributes, please see section 13 Folders.
  3. Creating Contacts
    To Create a contact, at the top-left of Synergy Explorer, click on 'Window', then select 'Contacts'.
    You should see a list of contacts appear, and in the next tab the list of contact lists will be available.
    Click on the plus icon at the top left to create a new Contact.
    Enter the contact details (First Name and Last Name are both mandatory), and then hit the Save button

1.2 Users

  1. Overview
    A user account gives someone the access to login to 12d Synergy. A user account consumes one user license for 12d Synergy.
    Even if you are using Active Directory for authentication, all users that can connect must be listed as a user account in 12d Synergy.
    All users must be associated with a 12d Synergy Contact record. In other terms, all users are also Contacts within the system, but not all Contacts are users that can log in.
  2. User Authentication
    When a user logs in, one of two authentication modes can be applied. This was specified on system setup, but can be modified via the Settings section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.
    1. Windows Authentication
      Windows Authentication uses the concept of Single Sign On - if they have logged into Microsoft Windows and their name has been added to 12d Synergy, then their account should be given access to 12d Synergy.
      If you are not using Active Directory, then the user account must be added as a User to the server running 12d Synergy.
    2. Custom Authentication
      Custom Authentication allows you to define your own user accounts and password, but will require the user of a valid x509 certificate to secure the transfer of information. See the section of setting up SSL Certificates for more information.
      The user will need to type their details in at each login.
  3. User Types
    there are currently three types of users that can be created.
    • A normal user - operates as a normal user with standard permissions applied against them
    • The System Administrator - has complete control over the system and can make any changes
    • Job Creator - the Job Creator user has limited permissions, but can create top level jobs at will
  4. Personal Jobs
    It may be desirable to create a job for each user as a personal job, like a scratchpad or personal storage area. This can be nominated creation time, but you may wish to use a standard format job, which can be achieved with a template.
    You may wish to make sure that all personal jobs are set below another job such as Employees.
    Lastly, the Personal Jobs area allows you to create personal jobs using the above details for anyone that doesn't have one, which may be useful if you wish to bring them in later.
  5. Creating users
    To create a user, go to the Users section in the 12d Synergy Administrator.
    Select the 'Create' tab.

    If you are upgrading an existing contact to a user simply tick the 'Create from existing contact' box and search for the Contact to be upgraded.

    Along with basic contact information, additional contact attributes may be required if they have been required by the system setup.

    You can also choose to enroll a user in license modules, such as Advanced Data Management, or to create a personal job.

    Click 'Create' when all appropriate values have been filled out.
  6. Creating a user for Windows Authentication
    If you are creating a user under Windows Authentication, you must supply the 'Windows identity' - this is the login name the user logs in to their workstation with. It should not include the domain name.
    For example, if the user name is MyOrg\JSmith then the Windows Identity will be JSmith
    The password fields are disabled in this case and should not be used.
  7. Creating a user for Custom Authentication
    When Custom authentication is used, you must enter a user name and a password.
  8. Editing Users
    To edit a user, go to the Users section in the 12d Synergy Administrator. Select the 'Find' tab and search for the user you wish to edit.

    This screen will allow you to edit basic user information, including contact information, for their first name, last name, email address and their login details (depending on the authentication mode).
    You can also edit required attributes or enroll a user in 12d Synergy licenses.
    Note that a system administrator may not downgrade themselves from system administrator status.
  9. Group membership
    To see which groups the user belongs to, including active directory groups, click the 'Group Membership' tab.
    If you are using Active Directory, you cannot edit which groups this user belongs to.
    If you are not using Active Directory, you can add the user to or remove the user from groups here.
  10. Logs
    You may also use this screen to view user activity for a period of time. To do so, select the 'Log' tab and enter a date range to search throughout.
  11. Modules
    The modules tab allows you to enroll users to use certain 12d Synergy licenses/modules, such as Advanced Data Management.
  12. Deleting Users
    A user may be deleted from the system on this screen, but you may not delete your own user account.
    Note that deleting a user does not delete the contract record. As actions are performed by specific contacts, all contacts remain in the system to track and report those actions.

1.3 Groups

  1. Overview
    Groups define collections of Users and are best used for assigning and controlling permissions. For more information on permissions, please see section 9 Permissions.
  2. Groups with Active Directory
    If you are using Active Directory, you cannot add new groups via 12d Synergy, but must still nominate which Active Directory groups are available for use by 12d Synergy,
    This is achieved via Groups section in the 12d Synergy Administrator.
  3. Assigning Users to Groups
    If you are using Active Directory, you can add new groups. This is achieved via the Groups section in the 12d Synergy Administrator.
  4. Groups without Active Directory
    If you are using Active Directory, you can add new groups. This is achieved via the Groups section in the 12d Synergy Administrator.
  5. Assigning Users to Groups
    For more information on how to assign users to groups, please see Group Membership

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