12d Model Projects
  • 18 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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12d Model Projects

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Article summary

1.1 Overview

12d Model Projects can be created at the Job or Folder level. This can be managed by job
administrators, as well as System Administrators, if required.

12d Model projects are edited at the job level.

1.2 Attributes

You can configure system wide attributes for 12d Model projects – meaning that all 12d Model projects must be created with specific attributes. This is accomplished via the System Rules section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.

For more information on attributes, please see section 13 Attributes.

1.3 Permissions

Like most permissions, permissions for 12d Model projects are inherited from their parent folder or job, and can be assigned to users, groups or roles.

The following 12d Model project permissions exist:

  1. Can Create 12d Model Projects - whether or not the user has permission to create 12d Model projects in the parent containers
  2. Can View 12d Model Projects - whether or not the user can see the 12d Model Project
  3. Can Open 12d Model Projects - whether or not the user can open the 12d Model Project in 12d Model
  4. Can Share from 12d Model Projects - whether or not the user can share from 12d Model projects

1.4 Sharing Permissions

Sharing can also be controlled – not just which elements in a 12d Model project are available for
sharing, which is arguably a job level administrative task, but who can share which elements.

1.5 Utilities

You can use the utilities tab to permanently delete 12d Model Projects. This is permanent and cannot be undone

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