Migrating the 12d Synergy Server
      • 27 Sep 2023
      • 3 Minutes to read

      Migrating the 12d Synergy Server

      Article summary

      1.1 Check in all data

      Make sure ALL  user data is checked in, to prevent data loss.   

      1.2 Backup your database

      Make sure you take a backup of your database in case of errors during the process. To backup your database, you should use SQL Server Management Studio:

      1. Select the 12d Synergy Database
      2. Right Click and Select Tasks→Backup
      3. Remove any current backup destination and add a new one
      4. Click okay to begin your backup

      1.3 Migrate the General Store

      Your general store may be stored on network attached storage, in which case this step may be unnecessary.

      However, if you do need to migrate the General Store, you will need to follow these steps:

      1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      2. Connect to the 12d Synergy Database
      3. Edit the table Setting
      4. Find the setting named GeneralStorage
      5. Copy the General Store directory to its new location
      6. Update the path in the table to the new location

      1.4 Migrate the Delta Cache

      Your delta cache may be stored on network attached storage, in which case this step may be unnecessary.

      However, if you do not need to migrate the Delta Cache, you will need to follow these steps:

      1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      2. Connect to the 12d Synergy Database
      3. Edit the table Setting
      4. Find the setting named DeltaCachelocation
      5. Copy the delta cache directory to its new location
      6. Update the path in the table to the new location

      1.5 Migrate the File Log

      Your file long may be stored on network attached storage, in which case this step may be unnecessary.

      However, if you do need to migrate the file log, you will need to follow these steps: 

      1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      2. Connect to the 12d Synergy Database
      3. Edit the table Setting
      4. Find the setting named FileLogPath
      5. Copy the file log to its new location
      6. Update the path in the table to the new location

      1.6 Migrate the File Stores

      Your file stores may be stored on network attached storage, in which case this step may be unnecessary.

      However, if you do need to migrate the file stores, you will need to follow these steps:

      1. Copy the File Storage directories to their new locations
      2. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      3. Connect to the 12d Synergy Database
      4. Update paths for any "Full" File Stores
        1. Edit the table FileDiskStore
        2. Update the value of StoreLocation appropriately
      5. Update paths for "Delta" File Stores
        1. Edit the table FileDeltaStore
        2. Update the value of StoreLocation appropriately

      1.7 Migrate the Index

      Your index may be stored on network attached storage, in which case this step may be unnecessary.

      However, if you do need to migrate the index, you will need to follow these steps:

      1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      2. Connect to the 12d Synergy Database
      3. Edit the table Setting
      4. Find the setting named IndexDirectory
      5. Copy the index directory to its new location
      6. Update the path in the table to the new location

      1.8 Change the Host Name

      If you have decommissioned an old server and are building a new server with the same name, this step is unnecessary.

      To update the server name advertised to clients, follow these steps:

      1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      2. Edit the table Setting
      3. Update the value of HostAddress to the new server name
      4. Edit the table Server
      5. Update the value of ServerName to the new server name

      1.9 Run the Upgrader on the New Server

      You will now need to run the standard Server Upgrader on the new server. This will perform an install without creating a new database – but you will need to nominate, when prompted, the following details:

      1. A service account to run the 12d Synergy Service
      2. The connection details for your database, which may be different if the database has been migrated to a new SQL Server Instance

      1.10 Remap the Microsoft C++ Runtime for 2012

      This is required by 12d Model analysis. It is installed when completing an initial install, but not at upgrade time.

      You can download this file from:

      1.11 Remap 12d Model Shares

      If you are using 12d Model shares, they may be pointing to the old server and will need to be explicitly updated. Use the steps below to remap the shares. If this is required, the 12d Synergy Technical Team will provide you with a script to perform this operation.

      This will promote the version of each 12d model project, so they must be checked in before this can take place.

      1. Open the 12d Synergy Administrator
      2. Select the 'Scripts' option
      3. Select the 'Tasks Library' tab
      4. Click the Add button and browse to the DLL provided
      5. Give it a name and click ok
      6. When it is in the list, select it and click 'Configure' next to the 12d Model Share Migration task
      7. Enter the name of the original server and the name of the new server in the appropriate fields
      8. Click Set
      9. Click Run

      1.12 Updating Server Addresses

      The server address at each client must be updated – this can be updated by clicking the Servers button on the connection screen within the client, or can be achieved simply by connecting to the new address.

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