Performing an Upgrade
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Performing an Upgrade

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Article summary

Upgrading your 12d Synergy server is an easy process. Follow the steps below for a successful upgrade.

This document refers to the upgrade process for a minor upgrade rather than a major product upgrade.

For example, a major product upgrade is moving from v3 to v4, as opposed to a minor upgrade, which is moving from v3.1.2.22 to v3.1.2.23

  1. Shutdown the 12d Synergy Server Service
  2. Take a full system backup
  3. Uninstall the 12d Synergy Server application
    Don't worry, this won't remove your data
  4. Run the new Upgrade installer

If you want to also push out new versions of the clients to your users, simply 

  1. Open the 12d Synergy Administrator
  2. Select System Settings
  3. Select Auto Upgrader
  4. Set the version for the appropriate client

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