  • 22 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

JobThe highest level 'group' of data in 12d Synergy
FolderA folder that may contain files or other folders
Check OutTake a copy of a file and lock the file for editing
Check InUpdate the file on the server and release it for other people to edit
GetDownload the latest copy of a file
AttributeA piece of meta data that describes an entity in the system in some custom way
NoteA piece of information attached to an entity
ForumA collaborative way for users to communicate, broken own into user defined topics and categories
TaskAn item of work that may be assigned to a user, with an optional start and end date
Contact Information about a particular person or company, such as name, contact details
UserA user who can log into the system
AssociationA helpful way to associate one entity with another, to indicate there is some relationship

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