- v5
- 12d Synergy Guide
- Introduction to the 12d Synergy Applications
- Architecture
- Licensing
- Certificates
- Users
- Logging In to 12d Synergy Client and Administration applications
- Groups
- 12d Model Projects
- Jobs
- Folders
- Tasks
- Teams
- Files
- Configuration
- Contacts and Contact Lists
- Notes
- Adding Associations
- Notifications
- Exchanging Data with Third Parties
- Forums
- Reports
- Email Management
- Plug-ins
- Maps
- Workflows
- Integrating with External Systems
- File Replication Servers
- Maintenance and Logging
- Logging Out
- 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Login: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Jobs: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Folders: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Files: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Teams: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Tasks: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Issuing: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Maps: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Companies: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Contacts and Contact Lists: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Create Link: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Open 12d Synergy Link: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Attributes: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Notes: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Settings: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Profile: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Associations: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Generate Reports: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Logout: 12d Synergy Web and Mobile Apps
- Technical Guides
- 12d Synergy V5 Requirements
- 12d Synergy V5 Release and Upgrade Notes
- 12d Synergy Server Migration Guide
- FRS Migration Guide
- Installation and Upgrade Guides
- Maintenance Guide
- Managing Certificates
- 12d Synergy API Reference
- Third-party Software Management
- 12d Synergy + ArcGIS Management Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + Carlson Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + GIS Layers - Australian Capital Territory
- 12d Synergy + GIS Layers - New South Wales
- 12d Synergy + GIS Layers - Queensland
- 12d Synergy + GIS Layers - South Australia
- 12d Synergy + GIS Layers - Tasmania
- 12d Synergy + GIS Layers - Western Australia
- 12d Synergy + MicroStation Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + OpenRoads Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + Stringer Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + Trimble Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + TUFLOW Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + XPSWMM Quick Sheet
- 12d Synergy + Hydrographic Software
- 12d Synergy + Scanning Software Management
- 12d Synergy + TerraModel
- 12d Synergy + Leica Infinity
- 12d Synergy + MAGNET (Previously CivilCAD)
- 12d Synergy + LISCAD
- Collaborative Users Training Guide
- Cloud
- 12d Synergy Guide
- v4
- Client Training and Manuals
- Getting Started Guides
- 12d Synergy Getting Started Guide
- Getting started with CAD
- Getting started with Reports and Gadgets
- Getting started with Workflows
- Getting Started with 12d Model and 12d Synergy
- Client Training and Content
- Getting Started Guides
- Admin Training and Manuals
- 12d Synergy Administration Guide
- Overview
- System Architecture
- Information Architecture
- The 12d Synergy Administration Tool
- General Information
- Maintenance and Logging
- Users, Contacts and Groups
- Certificates
- Licensing
- Permissions
- Attributes
- Jobs
- Folders
- 12d Model Projects
- Tasks and Task Types
- Naming Rules
- Tracking Issued Files and Document Transmittal's
- Setting Up Email Tracking
- Customising Outgoing Emails
- Files Over the Web
- Client Data Cleaning
- File Conversions
- Customising Search
- Reporting
- Scripting
- File Stores
- File Replication Servers
- Watch Folders
- Change Descriptions
- System Settings
- Connectors
- Archiving and Restoring Files
- Import and Export
- Backup Procedures and Troubleshooting
- Administration Training and Content
- 12d Synergy Administration Guide
- Technical Documentation
- 12d Synergy V4 Requirements
- 12d Synergy V4 Release and Upgrade Notes
- 12d Synergy Server Migration Guide
- Installation and Upgrade Guides
- Maintenance Guide
- Best Practices for 12d Synergy Backups
- Managing Certificates
- 12d Synergy Server Best Practices Guide
- Preloading Client Side Server Details
- 12d Synergy API Reference
- Client Training and Manuals
- FAQs
- 12d Synergy local database file location
- API Example - Exporting data to another location (PushData)
- Command Line Tool
- How do I enable remote access for 12d Synergy Clients
- How do I setup client side logging to diagnose a problem
- How do I setup Sync Tool client side logging to diagnose a problem
- How do I take a database backup
- How to access Event Viewer
- How to add an Environment Variable
- How to enable Mixed Authentication Mode
- How to generate a support package
- How to I take a local database backup
- How to restart the server services
- How to obtain 12d Synergy Server Log
- How to Re-Index
- How to setup Outlook logging to diagnose a problem
- How to turn on/off background checker
- How to turn on CAD Logging
- What happens to a Feature Request
- Why won't my DWG prompt for check out (mime type issue)
- Changes to Our Support Portal
- Working From Home
- How to...
- Known Issues and Advisories
Best Practices for 12d Synergy Backups
Option A: SQL Server Agent
Installations with a paid edition of SQL Server can use the built-in SQL Server Agent tool to schedule database backups.
Please see this guide from Microsoft: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlagent/2010/10/12/create-a-database-backup-job-using-sql-server-management-studio/
Option B: SQL Backup and FTP
A simple way to setup backups is via a third party software application called SQL Backup and FTP, available from http://sqlbackupandftp.com
This product is free for users with less than 3 databases.
We have used this software successfully for setting up backups. We must however caution that this is a third party product that is not affiliated with 12d Solutions and we do not provide support for it. 12d Solutions it not liable for any consequences of choosing to use this software.
Option C: Scheduled Tasks
Another way to schedule backups is through Windows Scheduled Tasks.
Please see this guide from Microsoft: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/kb/2019698
How to Create a Manual Once-Off Backup
This applies to any SQL Server edition:
- Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the 12d Synergy Database Server
- Right click the 12d Synergy database and select Tasks and then Backup.
Use the following options
Backup type: Full
Copy-only backup: Yes
Backup component: Database
Destination: Click Add and choose a folder and filename that does not already exist - Click OK
Performing a File System Backup
There are several data files - all the file system stored in your system:
- Data Files
Your core data files - all the files stored in your system - Index Files
Index Files store search information. While you don't have to back these up, without them, you may not be able to search accurately until the index is restored. This can be take some time to run. - General Store
The general store, which contains various miscellaneous files, should also be backed up.
Backup Strategy
Backup strategy refers to the frequency and type of backups that are automatically scheduled.
You can schedule a backup depending on your needs, and the capabilities may very depending on the tools you choose. 12d Solutions recommends at least the following:
- Scheduled once a day (midnight) - full file backup, with all components above
- Scheduled once a day (noon) - differential backup, with only the Data Files component
Backup Options
12d Solutions does not recommend one backup system over another, and there are several options available to you. Many of these tools provide a schedule for backing up data. These tools may also have the capability to backup from the Volume Shadow Service, to prevent backing up partially written files and speed up the overall process.
There are also a number of windows tools you can use as part of a scheduled task, such as Robocopy and WBAdmin.
Putting it all Together
It is important that you schedule your backups together so that both the files and database are backed up in sync. Having one tool that can manage both your database and file based backups would therefore be beneficial.
Maintenance Mode
It is recommended that for a full system backup that you put the system into maintenance mode manually so that nobody can login.
You can do this simply using an SQL Statement against the database as follows:
UPDATE Setting SET VALUE = 1 /* Maintenance Mode is ON */ WHERE Name LIKE '%IsMaintenanceMode%'
When completed, you can turn off maintenance mode with the following SQL
UPDATE Setting SET VALUE = NULL /* Maintenance Mode is OFF */ WHERE Name LIKE '%IsMaintenanceMode%'