  • 27 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

1. Managing the Database

The SQL database will need to be backup and maintained per the company’s IT policies.  This is something that would be managed by the IT department and not the user.

Process normal includes using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to back up the database.

1.1. Archiving

  • Side menu File Storage=>Archive


  • Archiving a Job will result in the files in the Job to be removed from the job and stored in an archived package (an archive package can contain multiple jobs) in an archive directory that has to be defined on the server.
  • Do not delete the Job after archiving. The job will still appear in searches but the job will be empty of files.

1.2. Restore

  • File Storage=>Restore


  • Restore an archive by selecting the package and clicking Restore. 

2. Installing a New Licence

When you are supplied a new licence by 12d Solutions, you can install it using the 12d Synergy License Installer utility, which is shipped with your server.

To upgrade or install a licence,

  1. Stop the 12d Synergy Server
  2. Run the LicenseInstaller.exe in the server installation directory
  3. Nominate your database settings
  4. Specify the location of the license file
  5. Click Install
  6. Restart the service
  7. Check the Windows Event Log Viewer for any licence errors

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