Tracking Issued Files and Document Transmittal's
  • 26 Sep 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Tracking Issued Files and Document Transmittal's

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Article summary

Keeping track of transmittals or issued files is an incredibly part of an AEC office. It’s important to know who was sent which version of which document when.

Tracking of issued files must first be turned on before they can be used. To do so, go to the System Settings section of the 12d Synergy Administrator and set the Show issued files registry value to Yes. You will need to restart the 12d Synergy Administrator before the Issued Files options become visible.


File Set Types

Issued Files are broken into ‘file set types’, which are simply logical categories. How you organise your issued files may depend on your processes, but some suggestions include:

  • Architectural
  • Surveying
  • Design
  • Other
  • Internal
  • Clients
  • Other

File Sets

File sets consist of specific versions of files. A file set belongs to a File Set type, and is issued one or more times.


There are two types of issue registries – single version and multiple versions.

In the single version mode, once a file set has been issued, it cannot be modified.

In the multiple version mode, it can be modified as many times as a user likes; either by updating the versions of files to be issued, or by adding or removing files from the set.

Issue Attributes

You can define any number of attributes that must be filled out when issuing documents; this allows you to capture additional information about why or how the data is being issued. To define these attributes, simply go to the Issue Attributes tab in the Issued Files section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.


File Attribute Prompting

In some cases, you may require users to have filled out certain File or File Change attributes before an issue can continue. An example might be an additional Revision attribute. You can use the File Attribute Prompting tab to set up any attributes that the user may need to be reminded about before issuing.

Issued File Names

It may be required that the files you issue have a different name to their internal names.

For example, you may wish them to include the version number that was issued, who issued them or some other attribute. In this case, you can use the Settings tab. Two options are available for configuration:

File template: for general non packaged files

Set name package template: when a file set is packaged in a zip file for issuing

Any free text or variable can be used to define the structure of your file names.

These can use any of the variables below:




The time of the issue


The name of the file being issued


The version of the file being issued


Any file attribute or file change attribute


The name of the file set being issued


The time this issue set was created


The first name of the creator of the file set


The last name of the creator of the file set


The full name of the creator of the file set


The initials of the creator of the file set


The name of the job to which this file set belongs


Any attribute on the job

For example,

 [File.Name] – [File.Version] would issue a file with the name of the original file, followed by its version number: EG: Plot-1.pdf

Issued File Settings

There are several different settings for the Issued Files Registry, which can be configured in the System Settings section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.

Enabling the Issued Files Registry

To enable the issued files registry, turn on the ‘Show issued files registry’ setting. You will need to restart the 12d Synergy Administrator for the Issued Files Registry option to be visible.

Enabling Issue Versioning

To enable or change the issue versioning mode, change the value of the ‘Use issued file set versioning’ in the System Settings section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.

Showing the Issued Files Registry only at the top level

You may wish to only show the issued files registry at the top level of a job tree, rather than for sub jobs. This can help keep a clean consistent structure and ensure all issues are grouped together.

To set this, turn on the ‘Show issued files registry at top level jobs only’ setting in the System Settings section of the 12d Synergy Administrator.

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