Naming Rules
  • 18 Sep 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Naming Rules

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Article summary

1.1 Overview

Naming rules provide the option to control how items, such as Jobs and Files, should be named when they are added to the system.

1.2 Job Naming Rules


Job naming rules can be defined to control how jobs must be named. Naming rules can be applied at:

  • The system level – to apply to all jobs (via the System Rules section of the 12d Synergy Administrator)
  • The job level – to apply to all sub jobs of a job

For a job template – so the created jobs match the template name

2. Naming Rule Components

Naming rules follow a simple syntax, made up of many different parts, but they are best put together using the provided name builder. Some parts are pre-defined, such as when using attribute values, or may be interactive and require input from the user.
The following parts are available:

Part typeDescription
Context free attributeUses an attribute to help fill out a value - this might be a List attribute, so the user must choose an option from a list of values.
Syntax: [AttributeName]
Job VariableThe name of the job being created
NameSyntax: [Job.Name]
Job Variable - Attribute

The value of an attribute on the job to be created, or inherited from the paint.

Syntax: [Job.AttributeName]

User Variable - Name 

The name of the user creating the job

Syntax: [User.Name]

User Variable - Initials

The initials of the user who created the job (from first and last name)

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their contact record.

Syntax: [User.Initials]

User Variable - Attribute

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their contact record.

Syntax: [User.AttributeName]

Named Value

This is presented to the user as a free text field with a name, to help describe what it's for

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their contact record.

Syntax: (name)

Fixed String

Some fixed string, such as a delimiter like a dash or brackets. This can help break up the resulting name

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their contact record.

Syntax: Text

Free Text

Any free text the user might type

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their contact record.

Syntax: *


The value for the time the job is created. There are many different formatting options available to use.

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their contact record.

Syntax: [Timestamp.Timestamp format string]

Please note that all naming rules that are defined must be valid for the name supplied. If you are using a job template naming rule and a global rule, the given name must be valid for both.

1.3 File Naming Rules


File naming rules allow you to control how files should be named.
File naming rules can be created at the following levels:

  1. The system level – to apply to all files (via the System Rules section of the 12d Synergy
  2. The job level – to apply to all files in a specific job
  3. The folder level – to apply to all files in a folder

Unlike job naming rules, you can create many different naming rule sets – this allows for different naming rules for different file types within one job or folder.

Within each set, you can define multiple extensions and multiple rules; at least one rule must be met for the naming rule conditions to be met.


For each naming rule set, you can specify a set of extensions to which the rules apply. If you wish to ignore specific file types, simply prefix the extension with a ! (EG: !MSG to apply to all files other than !MSG)

Naming Rule Components

Naming rules follow a simple syntax, made up of many different parts, but they are best put together using the provided name builder. Some parts are pre-defined, such as when using attribute values, or may be interactive and require input from the user.
The following parts are available:

Part TypeDescription
Context free attribute

Uses an attribute to help fill out a value - this might be a List attribute, so the user must choose an option from a list of values

Syntax: [AttributeName]

Job Variable - Name

The name of the job the file is being added to

Syntax: [Job.Name]

Job Variable - Attribute

The value of an attribute on the job the file is being added to.

Syntax: [Job.AttributeName]

Job Variable - Counter

A counter unique to that job - increments with each use of the variable - must be named, which provides the option to have many counters per folder.

Syntax: [Job.Counter.Name]

Folder Variable - Name

The name of the folder the file is being added to.

Syntax: [Folder.Name]

Folder Variable - Attribute

The value of an attribute attached to the folder; the folder is being added to

Syntax: [Folder.Name]

Folder Variable - Counter

A counter unique to that folder - increments with each use of the variable - must be named, which provides the option to ave many counters per folder.

Syntax: [Folder.Counter.Name]

User VariableThe name of the user creating the job
NameSyntax: [User.Name]
User Variable - Initials

The initials of the user who created job (from first and last name)

Syntax: [User.Initials]

User Variable - Attribute

The value of an attribute attached to the user and their record

Syntax: [User.AttributeName]

User Variable - Counter

A counter unique to the creating user - increments with each use of the variable - must be name, which provides the option to have many counters per folder.

Syntax: [User.Counter.Name]

Named Value

This is presented to the user as a free text field with a name, to help describe what it's for

Syntax: (Name)

Fixed String

Some fixed string, such as a delimiter like a dash or brackets. This can help break up the resulting name

Syntax: Text

Free Text

Any free text the user might type

Syntax: *


The value for the time the job is created. There are many different formatting options available to use.

Syntax: [Timestamp.Timestamp format string]

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