Maps and Addresses
  • 27 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Maps and Addresses

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Article summary

Maps in 12d Synergy can be displayed against:

  1. Jobs
  2. Contacts
  3. Companies

To display a map, these items must have either an address or a coordinate. Please note that viewing maps requires an available internet connection.

1. Geocoding Addresses

Addresses are automatically geocoded into coordinates in latitude and longitude, using a geocoder based on the Geocoded Australian National Address File and the New Zealand AIMS Street Address set.

Address geocoding will only take place for Australian and New Zealand addresses.

1.1. Setting Default Values

You may wish to set a default country, state or region if you know that your work is always in a specific area.

You can do this via the 12d Synergy Administrator, in the System Settings section.

It is likely that if you leave the Country blank that your address may geocode to the wrong location, without having set the Default Country value.

1.2. Address Validation

As you enter an address, 12d Synergy will attempt to geocode it on the fly and will let you know if it was unable to find a match.

1.3. Spatial Reference System

12d Synergy maps are presented using the WGS84 Web Mercator projection, also known as EPSG:3857.

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