Map Configuration
  • 27 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Map Configuration

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Article summary

1. Additional Layers

Additional layers can be added from other third party sources, including:

  1. ArcGIS Online
  2. ArcGIS Servers
  3. WMTS (Web Mapping Tile Service)
  4. KML files
  5. Shape files

This can be done on a per-user basis, a per-job basis or a system-wide basis, which gives you the ability to configure the system to meet your needs.

Note the order they appear in the list influences the order in which they are drawn – layers on the top are drawn last. The settings you will need vary on the type of service you are using and should be provided by the service operator.

1.1. At the System Level

To set additional layers at a system level:

  1. Go to the 12d Synergy Administrator
  2. Select the Mapping section
  3. Add new or edit existing layers here

1.2. At the Job Level:

  1. Edit the job
  2. Select the Mapping section
  3. Add new or edit existing layers here

1.3. At the User Level:

  1. Go to the Map tab for the job
  2. Pull down the control panel
  3. Select Configure Map
  4. Add new or edit existing layers here

2. SHP and KML Files

If you are generating SHP or KML files from a tool like 12d Model, you can have these be added to the map automatically as a topmost layer, whenever they are changed.

To do so:

  1. Go to the 12d Synergy Administrator
  2. Select the Mapping section
  3. In the 'Other Settings' section, set the relative path for the appropriate file type.
    1. For example, if you always store your SHP files in a folder called CADD/12d/SHP under the job, you would enter this value here.
  4. When you view the map, any SHP files will automatically be downloaded as necessary and drawn automatically
  5. As you update them the map layer will change to reflect your changes

This is especially useful if you have automatic processes to generate these files.

3. Geocoding Setup

12d Synergy ships using 12d Solution’s own geocoding service. However, this is constrained to Australia and New Zealand.

If you have your own ArcGIS Server-based geocoding service, you may configure 12d Synergy to use that instead.

  1. Go to the 12d Synergy Administrator
  2. Select the Mapping section
  3. Go to the Geocoding Configuration tab
  4. Select ArcGIS server as the type
  5. Configure the details as provided by your ArcGIS Server administrator

4. Default Map View

You can set the default map view that appears when searching for jobs – the standard map view focuses on the whole world, and it may make more sense to constrain it to a local area.

To set the default map view:

  1. Go to the 12d Synergy Administrator
  2. Select the Mapping section
  3. Pan and zoom to the appropriate area of the map
  4. Click Save

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