Administration Settings
  • 14 Aug 2024
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Administration Settings

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Article summary

Admin Content

This feature is available in 12d Synergy version and later. Please check with your Account Manager for more details.

Microsoft 365 Integration enables 12d Synergy users and their clients to collaboratively work on Microsoft files that are stored in 12d Synergy. How you configure this feature will depend on whether your 12d Synergy users exist in one single Microsoft 365 / Entra ID tenancy or multiple tenancies. This has no impact on who you can invite to collaborate on documents.

  • Single tenant setup - where your 12d Synergy users exist in only one Entra ID tenant

  • Multiple tenant setup - where your 12d Synergy users exist in multiple Entra IDs (for example, a joint venture)

Let us see how to configure both these setups.

1.1 How to Enable this Feature in 12d Synergy

  1. In the 12d Synergy Administration application, select the Custom settings tab.

  2. Click the button.
    A New Setting row is added to the table above.

  3. Enter Microsoft365IntegrationEnabled in the Setting column and 1 as its value in the Value column.

  4. Select the System Settings > General tab.

  5. Filter the settings by entering "Microsoft 365" in the Filter box.

  6. Select the Yes option for the Allow collaborative editing with Microsoft 365 setting.

  7. Click the Save button. The setting is enabled and you can now access the feature after setting up single tenant or multi tenant setups.  

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